Friday, December 9, 2011

My Reactions to P21

Partnership for the 21st Century

I did an overview of the website "Partnership for the 21st Century" (P21) for this blog. I found it fascinating. I believe it is an excellent tool for teachers, policymakers, parents, and community to be aware of the new education trends facing us all to what awaits us in this new century. 

What surprised me the most was how it addresses the policymakers and encourages them to change educational laws giving them tools on the new trends like, for example, how to implement 21st century skills, a guide for how to implement it in curriculum and instruction, and why it is so important to do so,  among other important information. They also have a feature to assess schools and teachers in 21st century readiness, which I did on myself, and I found out I am well oriented as a 21st century educator, though I still have lots to learn. I also liked that you can find out what other states are doing using the P21 content and their events.

I did not find anything I could disagree with in the website, at least as far as I went in my exploration. All the contrary, I was wondering myself before exploring this website if there was a way of having a guide to implement curriculum, instruction, assessment, and techniques according to what our students need to be ready for their future careers in the 21st century. It is wonderful to find out that a group of people had this idea of linking all those matters related to our children education in every way to instruct them and give them tools to be able to help the students to develop these skills.

As a contemporary teacher, P21 is a tool that will change my view on how a 21st century classroom should be like, a great provider of new ideas and techniques, and a valuable resource to stay updated about new trends in education.


  1. Naida, the website is dynamic; well arranged and structured to address all stakeholders of education. Truly speaking, if this was the only site that focuses on 21st century skills, it is about good enough. As you indicated, when i looked through the tools given policymakers, I hoped they are listening and taking these things seriously because educators can't do it alone, more money has to be invested into the area of technology in the classrooms so that we can be effective in our mission in preparing tomorrow workers.

    Thank you for your post.

  2. Glad the website was helpful, Naida. I find that 21st century skills help shift students to a more active, self-confident and self directed role--they take responsibility for their learning to a greater degree with technology scaffolding this.
    Thanks for posting.
    ---Susan Krauss
